Geography homework huh.
1) Improper removal of stubble or fallow cover leading to erosion.
2) Insufficient fallow time leading to decline in soil fertility.
3) Over removal of tree cover leading to water table elevation and/or salinity.
4) Over production of single crop types crops leading to nutrient depletion.
5) Over-irrigation leading to turbidity and and slainity in irriagtion water sources.
6) Failure to control tree growth within catchment leading to excess infiltration and loss of runoof. Irrigation water fails.
7) Excess tillage of fragile soils leading to erosion.
8) Tillage of soils in anticipation of planting conditions that fail to transpire. Ground remains loose and without plant cover for extended periods and erodes.
9) Overgrazing leading to desertification which encroaches on arable land.
That probably covers most of the practices that have caused land loss in the poast 6000 years.