--12.00 P.M in GMT when it is 8am EST. London is 4 hours ahead on eastern time.After nov 1-09 London will be 5 hours ahead on eastern time so it will be 1.00 P.M.in GMT when it is 8am EST. ------------ Current local time in New York Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours
Daylight saving time: +1 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -4 hours DST(Daylight saving time) started on dimanche 8 mars 2009, 02 h 00 local standard time
DST ends on dimanche 1 novembre 2009, 02 h 00 local daylight time
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=179 ------------- Current local time in London Standard time zone: No UTC/GMT offset
No daylight saving time at the moment
Time zone abbreviation: GMT - Greenwich Mean Time