The days and nights being equal all through the year, nay year after year one never knows the year beginning or ending; unless looks up at the stars. Moon will dominate the calender with stars as her ministers.The real magic of life drawn out from our lives in the absence of seasons. The Sun will lose his Royal status.
The planetary wind system will have drastic changes. The onshore winds and off shore winds will become more important. Monsoons, Hurricanes, Typhoons may not be as there is no pooling up of energy over a time.
The Cells of equatorial Lows , Sub tropical High and Polar High and the like will suffer quantitative changes.
The Jet streams will gain a new dimension and perhaps atmospheric circulation will tend to be more on Jupiter pattern.
The INSOLATION [Incoming Solar Radiation, not insulation] will be almost the same all 365 days at given latitude. Hence the Thermal gradient will be steeper from equator to poles, and as such the pressure cells suffer quantitative changes.
There can not be different crops as no seasonal changes, so impact on agriculture & crop rotations.
Life will survive, as there is the regular supply of energy for photosynthesis hence food production will go on. But even with Ocean current system undergoing changes there will be new dimension added to the life over all. The Sargasso's sea may not remain. By and large the torrid and tropical zones will be the least affected. The Temperate zone and the Polar zone will be he most affected areas. The polar bear will forget Hybernation.The tropical frog will no more aestivate. No transpolar migration of Arctic Terns. The tropics no longer will have the Siberian crane visiting them in winters.Too much exposure to light and heat of Sun is not healthy. The Sandy beaches will become less attractive too.
How did you get this topic? Please brush it off as a bad dream. Thanks.